What do the columns in the exported settlement CSV file mean?

Learn about the fields presented in Tazapay settlement report.

When you export a settlements CSV file from the Tazapay Dashboard, it contains several columns with detailed information about each transaction. Here's what each column represents:

Column Definition
Id Unique identifier for the transaction or settlement.
Reference_Id Reference ID related to the transaction.
Transaction_Description Description of the transaction.
Type Type of transaction (e.g., payment, refund, payout, settlement_fee).
Date Date and time when the transaction occurred.
Status Status of the transaction (e.g., succeeded, failed).
Currency Currency in which the transaction was made.
Amount Amount of the transaction in the original currency.
Fee Transaction fee charged.
Holding_Currency Currency in which the amount is held.
Holding_Exchange_Rate Exchange rate applied to the holding currency.
Holding_Amount Amount in the holding currency.
Settlement_Fx Settlement foreign exchange rate.
Settlement_Currency Currency in which the settlement is made.
Settlement_Amount Amount in the settlement currency.
Reason Reason for the transaction (if applicable).
Remarks Additional remarks or notes related to the transaction.
Customer_Email Email of the customer involved in the transaction.
Customer_Name Name of the customer involved in the transaction.